Sunday, January 21, 2007

Australia...Here I Come!

Yes, the verdict is finally over. My group and I are going to Australia for the Oversea Trip. I elak punya elak agar dia orang tak pilih Melbourne. Bukan ape, kalau boleh tak mahulah pegi lagi Melbourne. Dah ada opportunity tu, free lagi, nak tengoklah daerah lain. But inilah yang dikatakan fate. Kalau dah takdir I akan ke Melbourne, be it. Mungkin ada Hikmah di sebalik semua ni. I tak cerewet. I have tried but my fate mungkin bring me to Melbourne again. Actually, my group has narow down to 2 states, Adelaide or Melbourne. Kita ingatkan nak pegi Sydney but the other group mungkin go there. Anyway, I bersyukur tidak pergi negeri-negeri yang ada masalah seperti, bird flu, rusuhan, bencana alam dll.

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