Monday, March 26, 2012

Innalillah....Alfateha.. Abg Aziz

Ya Allah... Kau ampunkanlah segala dosa abg Aziz. Cucuri Rahmat kpd rohnya dan kuatkan semangat isterinya.

Tadi mak Telefon dan memberitahuku tentang kematian sepupuku, abg Aziz. Setahun dia menanggung derita Di hospital. Bukannya makin baik. Aku sudah tak Percaya dgn ubat doktor ni. Mcm abah. Dia meninggal bukan Kerana Sakitnya tetapi ubat yg doktor beri. Mcm sama Kesnya. Baru nampak baik. Mengejut sakit semula. DengAr Khabar, Kuman dah merebak. Setahun Di hospital, tak bolehkah ubat moden ini menghapuskan kuman? Nonsense. BAru Pagi tadi cakap dengan mak nak Cuba Tanya Am kalau boleh ubat abg Aziz. Memang, ajalnya dah sampai. Namun berakhirlah sudah siksaannya hidupnya Di dunia...

HI Im back!

Wow! Its been such a long time since I last post my entry. So much has happen to my life that I do not know where to start. I wish to write here in my blog so that I could remember every event that has happened. It would be interesting to look back and read again all my entries when I am 50 or 60 years of age.

With the invention of facebook, I must say, I have neglected my blog. But I sure miss writing in this blogspot. It is different with facebook. Just different. Well, no worries, I am continuing this blog to keep it alive and maybe I could link this two to my advantage.

Well, need to explore more possibilities because my IT skills is half-way-there.